Student Learning Activities


Support to the Boccia Athletes with Physical Impairments

Following a Memorandum of Understanding signed between our School and the Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled in 2018, over twenty nursing students were recruited to assist the boccia athletes during training and game times. Our students will provide onsite support to the athletes with physical impairments. It is envisaged that through sporting excellence and our support, our boccia athletes will be able to become great medalists for Hong Kong in the 2020 Paralympic Games.

The First Interprofessional Clinical Education (IPE) Workshop

The School held the first Interprofessional Clinical Education (IPE) Workshop on 18 December 2018. Over 20 senior year students from the School of Nursing, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Department of Applied Social Sciences joined the workshop. Medical students from the University of Hong Kong were also invited to participate. Very positive feedback related to communication, collaboration and cooperation among various health care disciplines was obtained from the students.

Off-shore Self-initiated Project with Happy Tree Social Service in Cambodia

Eleven students from SN who joined the service-learning trip (SN2S03) in Cambodia last year extended their knowledge and skills in a student-initiated project which was conducted in August 2017. The project aimed to improve the health knowledge of children in Cambodia.

Workshop on “Knowledge Synthesis”

Prof. Elisabeth Carlson, Associate Professor, Department of Care Science, Malmö University, Sweden and Dr Doris Leung offered a research workshop on “Knowledge Synthesis” to over 100 year 4 nursing students on 17 October 2017.

Service Learning in Cambodia

Led by Ms Phyllis Pang and her team, a group of 35 students completed the Service-Learning project in Cambodia from 29 May to 13 June 2017. Health assessment and promotion of lifestyle modification were provided to 185 service recipients living in the slum and rural areas.
Our students at Royal University of Phnom Penh.
A nursing student measured the blood pressure for a service recipient.